Thursday, October 16, 2008


My little guy is a budding linguist.

Ok, NOT really.

We have added a new word to our repertoire, though.  His vocab has now expanded to a whopping 5 words.

"uh oh" - sounds like "uh uh" or just plain "uh".  We're mastering the "oh"

"hi" - said repeatedly until he elicits a response

"bye" - sounds eerily similar to hi, the difference is the accompanying rapid hand wave any time we depart somewhere

"cheese" - um... I have a cheese addict

"banana" - aka "nnnA", our newest word, added while looking at a picture book with among other things, a picture of a banana.  The child is also a banana addict.  Probably would eat 2 or more a day.

I mean, he says "mama and dada" but not really to us.  We have the obligatory grunts that mean both "up and down" "in and out", etc., but they all sound like "uh".

One day soon I'm sure he'll never stop talking.  For now, I delight in the cheese.

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